Fight The Lockdown
by Justin Time
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The song is available for download as an mp3 here: Fight-The-Lockdown.mp3.
If you want the maximum quality wav file (54MB), you can download that here: Fight-The-Lockdown.wav.
It's also available for download as an mp4 video: Fight-The-Lockdown.mp4.
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About The Song
Fight The Lockdown is a protest song that I originally wrote and released in 2020 against the lockdowns, 'vaccine' mandates / passports and 'Great Reset' biosecurity state tyranny. I wrote the song at the start of the lockdowns in isolation, without any help, but since then I've had the chance to collaborate with other musicians, so I figured I really should do this new 'Freedom Mix'.
Some may think the song is now out-of-date, and I wish it was, but unfortunately it's really not. This tyranny is far from over. If you think it is, then you've obviously not been fired from your job over a 'vaccine' mandate. Nor will you have heard about the lockdowns currently happening in China, or of the WHO's global pandemic treaty on 'pandemic preparedness' that they're trying to push through. So the fight goes on...
I've written more about the WHO's global pandemic treaty here.
The Lyrics
Fight The Lockdown
Why did they do it to us?
To shaft us good
And make some bucks
The truth is not
What it looks
Because it's a lie
This virus is a lie
It's a hoax, a psyop
A mass deception
We're not gonna die
So don't you cry
Don't you cry
We're not gonna die
Gotta fight the lockdown
What you do about the lockdown?
Gotta fight the lockdown
And the new normal
A phony test
For a phony virus
Fake statistics
Manufactured panic
..And now
It's a shutdown
..A goddamn lockdown
But it's a lie
Hoodwinked by a lie
They've taken our freedom
Replaced with tyranny
Self imprisoned
Are we
For a lie
We're not going to die
Gotta fight the lockdown
What you do about the lockdown?
Gotta fight the lockdown
And the vaccine passports
Corrupted science
Media manufactured panic
All hype yeah Goddamnit
..And now
It's a shutdown
..A goddamn lockdown
Gotta fight the lockdown
What you do about the lockdown?
Gotta fight the lockdown
And the vaccine mandates
If we don't see
Through their lies
Then we'll never be free
From their brand new tyranny
We've got to break their spell
And reclaim our complete and full liberty
Don't you wanna be free?
From this brand new tyranny
The truth will set you free
From this brand new tyranny
Don't you wanna be free?
It's a take over
It's a power grab
A fascist take over
We've just been had
It's a take over
(Backing Vocal)
It's all smoke and mirrors
They're the only winners
It's all smoke
It's all smoke
Original Version
If you want to hear the original version, here it is.