Check out Fight The Lockdown, the newly released Freedom Mix version of my song.

Listen to the song / music video above, or ideally on any of the following platforms you may have an account with, so you can like, share, comment and subscribe to help spread the message...

Spotify   |   AppleMusic   |   SoundCloud   |   BandCamp   |   BitChute   |   BrandNewTube   |   Odysee

For the lyrics and other download options, go here - Fight The Lockdown

Also check out Transhumanism, a house tune with the amazing Dr Carrie Madej, D.O.

Transhumanism - A short promo clip:

Transhumanism - The full song:

Listen to the full song above, or ideally on any of the following platforms you may have an account with, so you can like, share, comment and subscribe to help spread the word...

Spotify   |   BandCamp   |   SoundCloud   |   Deezer   |   Instagram   |   TikTok   |   AppleMusic   |   BitChute   |   BrandNewTube   |   Odysee   |   Rumble

But not YouTube - it was censored, they must be afraid of the truth.

For the lyrics and other download options, go here - Transhumanism

I've also released a shortened 'Radio Edit' version of the song, here - Transhumanism (Radio Edit)

And The Covid Pantomime, song / music video - below.

Please like, share, comment, subscribe to help spread the word using any of these:

YouTube   |   BitChute   |   BrandNewTube   |   Odysee

For the lyrics and other download options, go here - The Covid Pantomime

About me

Hello everybody!

I'm Justin Time, an artist, singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and a few other things.

I also dance salsa and bachata, which they took away from me for about 18 months. I've just being allowed to dance again, but the threat of 'vaccine' passports is hanging over me, so I might have to kiss my dancing days goodbye again soon. Although in the grand scheme of things, my personal restrictions are insignificant compared to the horrendous events unfolding globally.

But since they took away my freedom, I figured I was absolutely not going to take that lying down. I wanted to know EXACTLY why. So I started researching, and it really didn't take long to find out that they'd been lying to us.

Unfortunately when the truth doesn't suit the establishment, it gets labelled conspiracy theory. But it's still the truth. The truth will always be the truth no matter what they tell you. And as far as this Covid hoax goes, the truth is plain to see, even in their own data and admissions, that directly contradict their false narrative. They just think we're not paying attention. But that's not conspiracy. It's out there, public knowledge, facts, for all to see if you care to look into it.

So now there's a war to fight, for the truth, to get our freedom back! Otherwise our enslavement awaits. And time is desparately running out...

Also, as well as writing Fight The Lockdown, I've been researching and collating a whole pile of fascinating information on this pandemic hoax, in the following articles. I originally sent these out as emails to friends and family, but now I'm publishing on here to try to get the message out further. Please read and share this important information and spread the word.

Thanks for visiting, and come back again soon, there'll be more songs and information out shortly. Watch this space...

Love and peace, Justin.

My Articles Debunking the Covid Hoax

WHO's Global Pandemic Treaty 23 May 22
What's In The Covid 'Vaccines'? 14 Jan 22
Covid 'Vax' Deaths and Injury Numbers 12 Nov 21
Medical Professionals Speaking Out 12 Nov 21
A Funeral Director Should Know 26 Oct 21
Harsh Reality 6 Sep 21
My New House Tune Is Out 23 Jul 21
A Quarter Million Genocide 27 Apr 21
Explosive Interview With Vital Info 5 Apr 21
Debunking The Numbers 25 Feb 21
The Bigger Picture 12 Jan 21
The UK Covid 'Vaccine' 31 Dec 20
Incompetence or Conspiracy..? 8 Dec 20
My New Protest Song 26 Sep 20
The Deception Hidden in the Science 15 Sep 20
Covid News 18 Aug 20
Global Day of Action to #ExposeBillGates 13 Jun 20
Debunking the Corona Hoax 13 May 20
The UK Lockdown is Killing People 23 Apr 20
Time To Fight The Lockdown 10 Apr 20
Duped By Fake Stats To Surrender Our Liberty! 31 Mar 20

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Twitter: @JustinTimeTunes